How to Debone a Chicken


Deboning a chicken is a useful skill to have in the kitchen, as it allows you to easily remove the bones from a chicken to create boneless, skinless meat that can be used in a variety of dishes. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to debone a chicken:

  1. Start by placing the chicken breast side up on a cutting board. Using a sharp knife, cut through the skin along the length of the breastbone.

  2. Once you have cut through the skin, you can use your fingers to gently lift and separate the skin from the breast meat.

  3. Next, locate the wishbone at the top of the breast. This is a small, V-shaped bone that can be easily removed with a knife. Simply cut through the meat and skin around the wishbone and gently pull it out.

  4. Using your knife, carefully cut through the meat around the ribcage, being careful not to cut through the bones. You can use a spoon or your fingers to help gently lift and separate the meat from the bones.

  5. Continue working your way down the chicken, carefully cutting the meat away from the bones. You can remove the legs by cutting through the joint where the leg meets the body.

  6. Once you have removed all of the meat from the bones, you can remove the skin by gently pulling it off of the chicken. If there are any stubborn areas that are difficult to remove, you can use your knife to gently cut through them.

  7. Finally, remove any excess fat or sinew from the deboned chicken. This will help to ensure that the meat is as lean as possible.

Deboning a chicken may seem like a daunting task at first, but with a little practice, it becomes quite easy. Not only will deboning a chicken save you money on buying pre-cut chicken, but it also allows you to create your own custom cuts of meat for a variety of dishes.