DUCKCHAR Moulard Duck Breast
Fresh rosemary sprigs
Fresh sage
Cooking Directions
Step 1 - Score skin. Just be sure not to cut into the meat. Season both sides with salt and pepper.
Step 2 - Place each DUCKCHAR Moulard Duck Breast in a vacuum sealed bag. Top each piece with fresh rosemary sprigs, fresh sage leaves, and then seal.
Step 3 - Cook for 2 hours in water bath at 135° F for medium rare finish.
Step 4 - Remove DUCKCHAR Moulard Duck Breast from bags and cook skin side down in pan, preferably in a cast iron skillet, at medium-high heat until skin is crisp. Continuously drain off rendered fat while duck cooks
Step 5 - Flip and cook skin side up briefly until meat is seared.
Cover DUCKCHAR Moulard Duck Breast loosely with foil and let sit for 5 minutes. Cut and serve.