Duck Fat
Duck Fat
Duck fat enhances natural flavors and texture of foods luck enough to be cooked with it. Simply put, duck fat delivers an unmistakable taste and function that makes other cooking oils feel insecure in the kitchen.
10 oz
All natural
How to Use Duck Fat
Duck fat enhances the natural flavors of food and provides a crispy finish when you need it - looking at you, roasted potatoes. Sounds too good to be true? It gets better. Duck fat's flavor is subtle and complex like a delicate fine wine. Foods lucky enough to be cooked with duck fat taste like a better version of themselves. For any recipe, substitute the usual cooking oil for an equal amount of DUCKCHAR duck fat. That’s it. Duck fat is an cooking oil for searing steaks, making legendary extra crispy fries, or roasting vegetables.
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Duck Fat Recipes
Fried Chicken
Nashville-style hot chicken x duck fat.
Lamb Chops
Seared with duck fat of course.