Cooking with Duck Fat Guide: Uses, Benefits, Storage


Uses for Duck Fat


What are the cooking uses for duck fat? For any recipe, substitute the usual cooking oil for an equal amount of DUCKCHAR duck fat. That’s it.



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Duck Fat Steak

duck fat seared steak

Duck fat seared steaks are an excellent way to cook with duck fat for the first time. Cooking a steak duck fat creates a perfect exterior steak crust and intensifies the already rich flavor steak flavor.

Try making duck fat seared steak >

Duck Fat Fries

duck fat fries

Duck fat french fries is the recipe that perhaps made duck fat famous for its flavor and texture enhancing abilities. The hype is real by the way. What do duck fat fries taste like? The best fries you’ve every tried.

Try a duck fat fries recipe >


Duck Fat Vegetables

duck fat roasted potatoes

Duck fat potatoes are the perfect vegetable to get started with duck fat: extra crispy outside + extra rich inside. Duck fat roasted vegetables are like the roasted vegetables you’re used to but better. Duck fat’s roasting capabilities stretch far beyond the veggies category, though.

How to roast duck fat potatoes >

Duck Fat Popcorn

duck fat popcorn

There are many creative uses when it comes to duck fat recipes. Think about the baking possibilities. Popcorn is actually just the start. All we will tell you is that after you make it, you’ll left wondering if there is movie theater conspiracy against the entire popcorn industry.

Try our duck fat popcorn recipe >


More duck fat recipes >

Duck Fat Benefits

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There’s one ingredient in DUCKCHAR Duck Fat: all natural duck fat.


Is duck fat good for you?

Compared to other animal fats, duck fat is a healthy option. It contains a substantial amount of monounsaturated and polyunsatated fats. These fats are the healthy fats. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats can help to decrease LDL cholesterol, which in turn can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Learn more about duck fat’s health benefits >

Duck fat vs butter

Duck fat is better tasting than butter and healthier than butter. In terms of saturated fat, butter is made up of 51% saturated fat while duck fat contains far less at just 33%. Saturated fat is bad for cardiovascular health. It’s linked to heart disease and other healthy problems. In short, when it comes to choosing an animal fat for the kitchen, choose duck fat. It doesn’t make any sacrifices with respect to flavor or cooking range and it offers substantial health advantages over more commonly used animal fats such as butter.

What does duck fat tastes like?

Duck Fat has a rich, subtle flavor. Foods cooked with duck fat taste like a better version of themselves. Meals created with duck fat are rich and complexly flavored. Duck fat’s stand alone flavor is quite neutral. Instead, it activates the flavors of the foods it cooks. It had a new layers of richness and really allows you to taste the essence of the flavors of vegetables, meats, and fish. Did we mention you can bake with it?

Duck fat smoke point

Duck fat has a high smoke point, which gives you more flexibility with cooking methods. The smoke point is the temperature at which an oil starts to burn. When a cooking oil is heated to far beyond this point, it can impart an unpleasant flavor on the food cooked with it or worse it can ignite. In short, duck fat’s high smoke point 375 degrees F provides more range for high heat cooking. We're talking anything from a light saute to deep fried.

Duck fat makes foods crispy

When a recipe calls for a crispy finish, duck fat is the go-to cooking oil. What kinds of foods are we talking about? Roasted potatoes, fries, seared meats (where you want to build that perfect crust), roasted chicken. Crispy is fool-proof with duck fat. 

How to Store Duck Fat


How long does duck fat keep in refrigerator?

DUCKCHAR Duck fat last for up to one year when unopened. Store it in a cool environment. After opening it, it will last for 6 months in the refrigerator.

For rendered duck fat that you perhaps saved from a duck breast, it may last 1 to 2 weeks the refrigerator.

Can I freeze duck fat?

Yes you can freeze duck fat to save it for later

How long does duck fat last in the freezer

Duck Fat can last up to 6 months in the freezer. It’s so good, though, that your appetite won’t allow to last that long.


Where to Buy Duck Fat

This one is easy… We’ll ship duck fat directly to your door.